Climate Change Food & Agriculture

2023 September Changing Diets

One of my goals as a gardener is to grow as much of my own food as possible. With a small suburban garden and a plot in my local community garden, my options are limited. Each year, I try a few new varieties of heritage garlic, tomatoes, and potatoes. My perennial food crops, including red currants, serviceberries, raspberries and grapes are by far the most rewarding and productive. Like a lot of folks concerned about climate change, I’m convinced that human diets have to change. The following stories highlight options for changing our diets in the face of climate change.

Tiny but mighty microgreens

Lettuce seedlings in a pot, protected with chicken wire to prevent ravages by the local squirrel population. Photo by R. Last.

Zhenlei Xiao, an associate professor in residence in the UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Department of Nutritional Sciences focuses her research on microgreens. Tiny, nutrient-dense, and fast-growing, microgreens could help in feed the world’s growing population, both on Earth and potentially in space. Microgreens, including vegetables and herbs, such as arugula, broccoli, beets, and even sunflower sprouts, also well-suited for urban agriculture, which could play an important role as arable land is increasingly squeezed by development. More than four billion people live in cities, accounting for roughly 55% of the world’s population. This number is expected to rise to an anticipated 7 in 10 people living in urban settings by 2050. One way to make food systems in future cities more sustainable is through urban agriculture—growing food near where it will be consumed. The balance of this article is an interview with Xiao, discussing the origins of her interest in microgreens and how she sees them fitting into a sustainable food system.

Forgotten food crops in sub-Saharan Africa

Examples of diversified cropping systems in sub-Saharan Africa that include forgotten food crops. Panel A: A Beninese farmer stands in his diversified farm field that includes Colocasia esculenta (taroyam), maize, Amaranthus spp. (amaranth), and Celosia argentea (celosia) within an agricultural landscape dominated by cassava. Panel B: Three different amaranth varieties in the forefront of the picture (arrowed) are being evaluated by the same farmer as part of a participatory variety evaluation experiment in Benin; Panel C: Maize cropping system diversified with leafy and fruit vegetables in Eswatini. In the front of the picture, maize is intercropped with Solanum aethiopicum (African eggplant, arrowed). At the back of the picture, amaranth has been sown between maize fields (arrowed). Panel D: The fruit crop Annona senegalensis (wild custard apple) is widely used in Benin. Photo credits: Sognigbé N’Danikou, World Vegetable Center (panels A and B); Maarten van Zonneveld, World Vegetable Center (panel C); Enoch G. Achigan-Dako, University of Abomey-Calavi (panel D) (species authorities are mentioned in Dataset S1).

Integrating sub-Saharan Africa’s “forgotten” foods into agricultural systems could provide a “double-win” of more climate-resilient and nutrient-providing farming, a new study found. The research used modelling to examine the potential of 138 African forgotten food crops under changing climate conditions, ranging from leafy vegetables and other vegetables to fruits, cereals, pulses, seeds and nuts, and roots and tubers. It found that a diverse profile of forgotten foods could be grown across 95% of assessed production sites in sub-Saharan Africa in 2070, when changing climate conditions could make the cultivation of staple crops such as maize and rice unsuitable.

Enset, Ethiopia’s ‘tree against hunger’ flowers at Kew

A small house in Ethiopia completely surrounded by enset plants. Scientists studying this remarkable plant have identified it as a ‘climate coping strategy’ in parts of the country prone to drought. Credit: James Borrell, RBG Kew

Enset (Ensete ventricosum), an African relative of the much-beloved banana plant, has flowered for the first time in Kew Gardens’ Temperate House. Due to its monocarpic nature, the plant will flower only once and die. Known by some as the Ethiopian banana, the Abyssinian banana, or even the false banana, RBG Kew scientists and partners refer to enset as the “tree against hunger.” Thanks to its remarkable versatility, drought resistance, and disease tolerance, enset is a staple source of nutrition for more than 20 million people in Ethiopia. Reaching up to ten meters high, as few as 15 enset plants can feed a person for an entire year, often propping up diets during periods of drought or when other crops fail. According to the research, Ethiopian smallholder farmers choose to plant more enset directly in response to drought. Research at RBG Kew has also uncovered the spectacular genetic diversity of enset with the potential to strengthen food security and feed millions more people across the region.

Changing diet can have unexpected impacts

Credit: Tatjana Baibakova/Shutterstock

Switching to a healthier diet not only reduces your risk of disease, it also improves the sustainability of our food system. But eating healthier also has indirect consequences that can lead to unexpected economic, social and environmental side effects. Wageningen University & Research have used a global economic model to investigate a change toward the EAT-Lancet diet on a global scale. Their findings are published in the journal Nature Food. While the direct effects of the EAT-Lancet diet are positive, indirect effects include economic, environmental and social effects that can be mixed. For example, healthier diets can lead to higher greenhouse gas emissions, especially in higher-income regions. When people spend less on food, they spend more on non-food products. This can lead to increased demand and thus production of non-food products.

Change food choices to tackle global warming

Milk and especially beef production have become the poster children for what’s wrong with western diets. Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain.

Action to protect the planet against the impact of climate change will fall short unless we reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the global food system, which now makes up a third of man-made GHG emissions, a new study reveals. The largest emission increase within food supply chains is triggered by beef and dairy consumption in rapidly developing countries, such as China and India, while emissions per head in developed countries with a high percentage of animal-based food declined. Publishing their findings in Nature Food, an international group of scientists led by the Universities of Groningen and Birmingham, say that the growth of the global population and rising demand for emission-intensive food are likely to boost emissions further. “A global shift in diets, including reducing excessive intake of red meat and improving shares of plant-based protein—will not only reduce emissions but avoid health risks such as obesity and cardiovascular disease,” stated corresponding author, Prof. Klaus Hubacek from the University of Groningen.

A slew of other articles emphasize the same point. See for example: A vegan diet is better for environment.

Space Food of the Future

Since you can’t make bread in space, all sandwiches sit atop tortillas, like this one made by Peggy Whitson aboard the ISS in 2016. NASA PHOTO / ALAMY

Sarah Miller’s article about work on space food may not be all that relevant to home gardeners, but it’s a fun read! Phase II of the Deep Space Food Challenge is jointly sponsored by NASA and the Canadian Space Agency. The 18 teams selected are tasked with creating foods that will not only feed a crew of astronauts on a deep-space mission to Mars for at least three years but also improve life on Earth.

In search of lost fruit

Eliza Greenman climbs an 18th-century silk mulberry tree which has a crown 100ft in diameter in Purcellville, Virginia. (Photographs by Matailong Du/The Guardian)

Thanks to Rebecca McMakin for pointing me to this wonderful article in The Guardian UK. Fruit explorers are horticultural enthusiasts who search for the last cultivars of old, rare or important plants. Throughout the centuries, the residents of North America – from Indigenous Americans to white botanists in the early 1900s – cultivated various fruit and nut trees. These trees’ last descendants now grow on remote farms, in forests, on state lands, tucked along roads. Fruit explorers’ mission is to track down those trees, test their quality and then graft them before their genetics are lost for ever.

For some, it’s about history: learning about a majestic tree in the historical record and trekking off to the woods to find it. For others, it’s about taste. David Shields, an heirloom foods expert at the University of South Carolina, explained that our food system homogenized after the second world war and that many fruit explorers want to preserve old regional flavors before it’s too late.

Then, there are the environmental reasons. Many fruit explorers reject the US’s current reliance on monocultural, seasonal agriculture, which means planting massive amounts of animal feed like soy and alfalfa in vast, deforested fields. These explorers want to replace that system with one of permaculture, which involves planting perennial fruit and nut trees instead.

“If we come to our senses and realize that planting 200m acres of corn with tillage is not a good idea from an ecology perspective, we’re going to need the best germplasm [genetic resources maintained for plant breeding] in existence,” said Buzz Ferver, a plantsman from Vermont who described himself as a “rabid” fruit explorer. “We’re going to need to keep that stuff alive so it’s there if we need it.”

Forgotten peas – future food?

Kew PhD Student, Szymon Lara, among the pea varieties that are the focus of his research. © Szymon Lara

Ongoing work at Kew RBG aims to help reverse the massive loss of food biodiversity that occurred following WWII with the globalization of food supply chains. Kew PhD student Szymon Lara is focusing on pea biodiversity. With a background in Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Lara decided to advocate for more resilient food systems by using sensory science to evaluate the commercial potential of neglected and underutilized foods.

There are around 7,039 edible plant species, 417 of which are considered food crops. However, only 15 account for 90% of human calorie intake and are considered commodity crops. The remaining 402 are neglected to some extent and are usually found in minor food systems, but even these are shifting too as global food chains tend towards uniformity. These so called “forgotten” foods get lost in the ultimate shuffle between the local and global food systems. In a nutshell, increasing the number of fresh edible species would improve food security, by decreasing vulnerability to pests, and have beneficial nutritional implications, by introducing species with higher micronutrient absorption rates. One of the major factors driving consumer acceptance of a new food is what we call its “sensory profile”. n order to understand if a “forgotten” food could be accepted by consumers, we need to study its sensory characteristics. This can be done by using what we call “subjective methods” – bringing together real humans to sample the foods and evaluate their sensory attributes. Alternatively, we have “objective methods” – techniques that describe the physical and chemical make-up of the food, such as ‘texture analyzers’ or infrared spectrophotometers (instruments that can analyse the chemical make-up an object by the amount of light it absorbs). The combination of these outputs helps us predict whether an underutilized species is likely to be popular.

Climate Change Food & Agriculture

Agriculture & Climate

According to Princeton Student Climate Initiative (PSCI), nearly one quarter of climate change is due to our food system. At the same time, conventional agriculture is uniquely vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including extreme weather, supply chain disruption, and new pests and diseases. Add to this, the puzzle of how higher temperatures and different weather patterns impact plant health and growth. The following articles explore these issues, starting with a peek at the fight between proponents of high-tech agriculture and agro-ecological or regenerative agriculture.

Image above is from a 2020 article by Audrey Watson on how our food system contributes to climate change and how we can eat more sustainably.

U.S.-led AIM for Climate Project Promotes “False Solutions”

Leading up to last year’s climate talks in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, an international coalition of climate and food sustainability leaders warned against “false solutions” being promoted at the COP27 climate conference by AIM for Climate—”a multi-billion dollar initiative by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to promote agritech (biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, AI) as a primary solution to the climate crisis.”

“Agritech and the industrial agribusiness model it furthers are not a solution to the climate crisis but rather a significant part of the problem,” said Andrew Kimbrell, co-founder of the International Coalition on Climate and Agriculture and executive director of Center for Food Safety. “Farmers around the world are already using innovative ecological farming techniques that sequester carbon, and these proven practices should be scaled up and shared instead of giving millions of dollars to chemical corporations to create false solutions that harm people and nature.”

Formed at COP26 in 2021, AIM for Climate now has more than 200 corporate partnerships, including with Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), BASF, Bayer, The Biotechnology Innovation Organization, CropLife International, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Syngenta, and the World Economic Forum.

“AIM’s attempt to make agritech the center of climate action subverts the growing awareness of agribusiness’ major culpability for the climate crisis, and it must be strongly opposed,” said Debbie Barker, ICCA International Coordinator. “The efforts of AIM and its partners to impose dangerous technologies on the world’s farming communities present an existential threat to what is really needed—transitioning away from industrial agriculture and toward ecological farming.”

In contrast to the corporate-led, tech-driven AIM for Climate project, the ICCA promotes a BROAD approach—Biodiverse, Regenerative, Organic, Appropriate Scale, and Democratic—that incorporates ecological farming including organic, agroecology, biodynamic and other proven sustainable practices that work with nature rather than destroying it.

Michigan State University researchers may have found a link between climate change and plant nutrition. Credit: Hermann Schachner via Wikimedia Commons (plant cells) / Mike Erskine via Unsplash (arid land)

Climate change & plant nutrition

A new study from researchers at Michigan State University underscores that we still have much to learn regarding how plants will function—and how nutritious they will be—as more carbon enters our atmosphere. That same influx of carbon is helping drive climate change, meaning this new work, published in the journal Nature Plants, may be revealing an unexpected way this global phenomenon is reshaping nature and our lives.

“What we’re seeing is that there’s a link between climate change and nutrition,” said Berkley Walker, an assistant professor in the Department of Plant Biology whose research team authored the new report. “This is something we didn’t know we’d be looking into when we started.” Although elevated levels of carbon dioxide can be good for photosynthesis, Walker and his lab also showed that increasing CO2 levels can tinker with other metabolic processes in plants. These lesser-known processes could have implications for other functions like protein production.

It’s too early to say for certain whether plants face a low-protein future, Walker said. But the new research brings up surprising questions about how plants will make and metabolize amino acids—which are protein building blocks—with more carbon dioxide around.

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Higher levels of CO2 causing less nutritious crops

For years, scientists have seen enhanced photosynthesis as one of the only possible bright sides of increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)—since plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, it is anticipated that higher levels of the gas will lead to more productive plants. In a review published in Trends in Plant Science, scientists from Institute for Plant Science of Montpellier in France explain why this effect may be less than expected because elevated levels of CO2 make it difficult for plants to obtain minerals necessary to grow and provide nutritious food.

Maize is one major world crop affected by abiotic stresses including extreme heat and drought exacerbated by climate change. Credit: CABI

Heat and drought significant for food security

Heat and drought are the utmost limiting abiotic factors that pose a major threat to food security and agricultural production, and are exacerbated by “extreme and rapid” climate change, according to a new paper in CABI Reviews. The team of international scientists suggests that it is critical to understand the biochemical, ecological and physiological responses of plants to the stresses of heat and drought in order for more practical solutions and management. They state that plant responses to these challenges may be divided into three categories: phenological, physiological and biochemical.

The scientists, referring to a study examining data from research published between 1980 and 2015, state that drought has reduced wheat and maize yields by up to 40% around the world. They also highlight that projections suggest that for every degree Celsius rise in temperature, this would result in a 6% loss in global wheat yields.

From article by Hannah Ritchie in Our World in Data.

Global food system emissions could stop us reaching climate change targets

To have any hope of meeting the central goal of the Paris Agreement, which is to limit global warming to 2°C or less, our carbon emissions must be reduced considerably, including those coming from agriculture. Clark et al. show that even if fossil fuel emissions were eliminated immediately, emissions from the global food system alone would make it impossible to limit warming to 1.5°C and difficult even to realize the 2°C target. Thus, major changes in how food is produced are needed if we want to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Fruit and vegetable shelves at an Asda in east London. Photo from article in The Guardian UK. Photograph by Yui Mok/PA.

There has been a flurry of articles out of the UK recently about food rationing, especially of fresh vegetables. Growing up in Scotland in the 1960s, before the EU and before the widespread use of refrigerated trucks, our winter veggies consisted of potatoes, turnips and cabbage – lots and lots of cabbage.

Why UK supermarkets are rationing food

Calls for the government to provide better support to UK food producers have intensified recently as supermarkets have been forced to ration sales of some fresh produce. Weather-related disruption has caused supply shortages of vegetables from places including Spain and North Africa. Former Sainsbury’s chief executive Justin King has partly blamed the government’s decision not to subsidise producers’ spiking energy costs this winter under its plan to help businesses affected by the cost of living crisis. The National Farmers’ Union has also called on the government to “back British food production in order to secure a homegrown supply of sustainable food or risk seeing more empty shelves in the nation’s supermarkets”.

Understanding the UK’s complex food supply chains can help explain why this is happening and also provides ideas about how to prevent such shortages in the future. These ideas include:

  • Diversifying sources of imported food
  • Increasing support for domestic food production
  • Improving food supply infrastructure and logistics (Just-in-time food delivery makes us particularly vulnerable to supply chain shocks.)
  • Preventing food waste

Other articles on this topic include:

According to the International Potato Center, based in Peru, there are more than 4,000 varieties of edible potato, most of them found in the South American Andes.

Drought and frost batter vital potato crops in Bolivia

(This article originally appeared in Agence France-Presse)

Dozens of furrows lie barren in a dusty field on the Bolivian highlands. It should be replete with potato plants ready for harvest, but a deadly combination of drought and frost proved too much for the crop. Cristobal Pongo, one of many peasants of the Aymara Indigenous group who devote their lives to potato farming in this region highly susceptible to climate change, looks dejectedly upon the dismal scene. “The potato is our life. We harvest, we sell… It is our livelihood… (it pays) for our children’s education,” the 64-year-old told AFP as he knelt in his field about 4,000 meters (13,100 feet) above sea level. This year, Pongo will have nothing to sell at the market in Calamarca, some 70 kilometers south of the capital La Paz. He does not know what he will do.

Pongo’s crop is not the only one affected by bad weather during the growth season. And the resulting shortage has seen the price of potatoes shoot up sevenfold to almost $2 per kilogram (2.2 pounds) in some markets. Experts say seasonal rains that came too late and untimely frost are likely the outcome of a changing climate. “The highlands, and… the whole region of Bolivia, are vulnerable to (climate) change,” said Luis Blacutt, an atmospheric physics expert at the Higher University of San Andres in La Paz. “These changes are manifesting now. There is a very, very acute rain deficit,” he told AFP.

Pongo now has to wait until the end of October to replant his crop, having given up on having any useful harvest this time around. If no rain has fallen by then, he will have to wait even longer as the soil needs to be moist for potatoes to germinate. But if he waits too long, the winter frosts that come ever earlier could once again destroy the fruits of his labor.

In the face of such uncertainty, Pongo and some neighbors have started using greenhouses erected with the support of a local NGO, Cipca, which comes to the aid of peasant farmers. Greenhouse production is limited to much smaller areas, meaning growers might produce enough for their own use, but not enough to sell.